Me and Mont Ventoux

Me and Mont Ventoux

Saturday 3 August 2013

Ventoux Cycle Day 4: 113 Kms Hilltop Villages and back to Avignon

2 AUGUST 2013

After a nice breakfast on Hélène's patio, shaded by grape vines, I left for a morning ride, planning to return to Robion to collect my bag, and then set off back to Avignon.  So I started off eastwards along the Luberon bike route, which goes as far as Apt, signposted all the way along quiet lanes, but with a few steep hills thrown in.   From Robion, the route passes all the pretty hilltop villages - Maubec, Opéde-le-Vieux, Ménerbes, Lacoste and on to Bonnieux. I stopped in Bonnieux to sit on a Café terrace looking out over the Luberon, with of course Mt Ventoux still visible in the distance.  At Bonnieux, as if I hadn't had enough climbing, I noticed on the map a forest path up to the top of the Luberon mountain above Bonnieux. So I set off and reached the top but only after a climb of 400 vertical metres to a height of 700m.  I then came back down to Bonnieux, and retraced my steps exactly all the way back to Robion, a round trip of 67Kms.  I made straight for the Café de la Poste for a lovely lunch on the terrace and then Hélène arrived with my bag.  As I sat, I watched the local men gathering at the Café, greeting each other with three kisses on the cheeks, and rattling their balls noisily.  Once they had all gathered for a drink or two, they set off across the square for an afternoon game of 'boules', the famous french game using small steel balls.  I eventually dragged myself away from the comfort of the Café to cycle back to Avignon, another 45 Kms, not especially memorable as the roads were quite busy, but I had my bag to carry, so I chose to take the shortest rather than the most picturesque route. I managed to find the real suburbs of Avignon which was heavy going, and I wasn't back at my hotel by the TGV station until 7pm. 

Stats of the morning ride: 67.05 Kms ; 3 hours 14 minutes ; average speed 21 Km/hour

Opéde-Le-Vieux (Old Village)

Opéde-le-Vieux - Mont Ventoux very clear in the distance to the North
Pretty Lacoste

Vineyards, castles and forest line the Luberon bike route
Bonnieux (with Mt Ventoux again)
Café in Bonnieux looking across to Lacoste
Looking down from the Luberon mountains to Bonnieux

Afternoon ride:  46 Kms; 1 hour 58 minutes moving time Average speed 23 kms/hr

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